May 5, 2001 | 4:39 p.m. AST Alaska Time


It's Saturday, which means I got to "sleep in." Sleeping in to me is at least until 10:30. This morning, it was 8:30 because C got up and came into our room and starting whispering "Dad, Daddy" into my husband's ear. Technically, 8:30 IS sleeping in because I have to get up at 3 a.m. during the week to be at work by 4. But even another hour would have been nice. See, it's springtime in Alaska which means the sun is rising earlier and setting later, so we have sunrise at like 5 a.m. and sunset around 11 p.m. so the girls are waking up WAY early. Time to put aluminum foil on their windows.

C is still potty training. And getting closer to being done, thank God! I'm so tired of changing diapers, even though I've got a 9 month old who won't be potty trained for at least a year and a half! Anyway, C #2ed in her potty today, all by herself. The two times before when she's gone #2 in her potty, I was there. Usually she waits until after she's done it in her diaper before telling me, this time she told me before she had to go. Then she sat on her potty without doing anything for 10 minutes so I left, telling her to tell me when she's done. 5 minutes later she did, and had to show me! Lots of applause, praises of "big girl!," "so good!," etc. etc. etc. and hugs and kisses and even a sticker! Hey, gotta show positive reinforcement to make them want to use the potty, right?

I really hate cleaning house, but love having a clean house. Well, rented condo actually. Someday we'll buy a house (when hell freezes over). I have to fold/put away laundry, clean the bathroom, do dishes, clear away clutter.

Did I already mention in a previous entry that M cut a tooth? She did, about a week ago. Lower-left center. And C is tall enough now to turn lightswitches on and off... and on... and off... and on... and off... Boy, I can't wait until THAT novelty wears off!

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