April 29, 2001 | 10:17 p.m. AST Alaska Time

A fucking boring-ass day

It's the end of the month and a Sunday night. Shit. That means rent's due in a couple days and I have to wake up way early for work tomorrow. This week is not starting out good.

I woke up to a beautiful morning but it all went downhill from there. I didn't go anywhere, do anything, or talk to anybody. I stayed home with the girls, did some laundry, and vacuumed the floor, twice. I surfed the Net, worked on a website, and placed som bids on eBay. Face it, my life is boring. I missed the opportunity to go to the zoo because I accidentally deleted the message. I argued with hubby again. I can't wait until he's done with school later this week and finds a job. Anybody out there hiring a Logistics major?

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