Friday, Aug. 31, 2001 | 8:58 a.m. Alaska Time

Writing, for the sake of writing

Okay, Okay, I'm sorry... I'm sorry I haven't entered a new entry in three days, but I just had nothing to write about. I still have nothing to write about but felt I owe it to anybody who's a regular (IF anyone is... I don't know!) to at least say something!

M is at that stage of changing from a baby into a toddler. I'm going to miss her being a baby, but at the same time I'm also looking forward to her toddlerhood. She's learning things so quickly and surprising us all the time. She learned to say uh-oh, to kiss, wave bye-bye, blow kisses, and do the "down came the rain" hand motions for "itsy bitsy spider." And I'm not sure, but I think she says Mama.

My mom agreed to watch the girls for a few hours this weekend so hubby and I can move some of our stuff over to our new place.

My sister is coming to town for the weekend. It will be nice to see her. She's leaving her toddler (almost age 2) at home with her husband in an attempt at weaning her from the breast. Now I don't know about you, but I think a baby should be weaned by that time. I can't state a definite age because every baby is different. But when said baby can walk, talk, drink from a cup, and breastmilk no longer provides adequate nutrition, really, it's time to give it up.

M basically weaned herself at 7 1/2 months. I wanted to bf longer, but hubby had given her bottles and she got used to them. So, sadly, I let bf go. Next baby, though, no bottles for a long time and then only if they're filled with breastmilk!

Next time I have a child, I'm going to stop listening to others' opinions about what I should do and start paying attention to my own intuition. Three things I regret doing because I did what others thought I should do: 1. delivered by c-section (after 23 hours of labor and a failure to progress. I should've gotten up to walk around to let gravity help out. I was fully dilated and fully effaced!), 2. stopped breastfeeding at 7 1/2 months (Hubby thought I was feeling "tied down" to it and wanted a break and gave her bottles, often), and 3. started working the evening shift (Hubby thought the morning shift was killing me. I actually enjoyed the morning shift and the people I worked with on that shift).

Wow, I started this entry a little more than 20 minutes ago. My girls are usually awake at 8:30. It's 9:20 now. I should jump in the shower before they wake up and are raring to go!

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