Friday, Oct. 26, 2001 | 12:31 a.m. Alaska Time

I hope I was hallucinating

Earlier, when I left work for my lunch/dinner break, I was sitting in traffic at a red light. Like everyone else does, I looked at the driver in the car next to me. Oh. my. god. There was a man staring at me. He looked familiar.

I think it was my ex-boyfriend.

We broke up six years ago. We didn't have a good breakup and he lived in another town so I figured I'd never see him. That is, until today.

So I'm sitting there at this red light with him in the car next to me. I'm making a point not to look back, even though I can see something waving out of the corner of my eye. I hope I'm just seeing things and that it's NOT my ex trying to get my attention.

Finally, after what seems like an eternity, the light turns green. He drives ahead and turns left at the next intersection while I turn right and go home.

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