Tuesday, Mar. 4, 2003 | 2:05 p.m. Alaska Time

Diaryland Top 100

Scroll down and find the new little graphic with a link I added after the guestmap link. It's about Diaryland's top 100. It's a bit deceiving, doncha think? It makes it look like I'm in some exclusive top 100 club. I'm far from it. Anybody can join.

What it is is you have to register with them and you get placed in their rankings, even if you're not in the top 100. Everytime somebody clicks on the link and follows through, you get one vote. Since I just registered, I'm probably at the bottom, like number 550 or something. Funny thing is, with more than 80,000 diaries at Diaryland, there are only a handful registered at the top 100.

Now if diarists like UncleBob registered, he'd be at the top immediately. So click on it and vote for me, okay?

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