Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001 | 10:50 a.m. Alaska Time


How terrible, awful, horrifying! It seems so surreal, doesn't it? Of course, I'm talking about today's terrorist activities in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania.

My brother-in-law called at almost 7 a.m. Alaska time (11 a.m. on the east coast) to tell my husband about it. I couldn't hear what B-I-L was telling hubby, but hubby was reacting in such a way, I thought a close family member had died. After turning on the tv, hubby sure became a drama queen! I'm not making light of the situation in NY, DC, and PA, just of my husband. Can you say "overreact," boys and girls? I wanted to laugh at him, but that would've pissed him off so I kept silent.

On a more serious note though, I pray for those lost.

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