Friday, Aug. 22, 2003 | 9:35 p.m. Alaska Time

It's been a trying week

So I did call the police and file a report about C's birthmom's threatening message on our answering machine.

Apparently, she's been on a week-long drinking binge.

As you might recall, earlier this week, C killed fatally injured the neighbors' baby rabbit. She held it above her head and dropped it.

Then, the next day, hubby caught her smothering M.

Today, the straw broke the camel's back. Let me explain...

After hubby picked up the girls from the sitter's, C asked for a piece of gum on the way home. Hubby said no. C went ballistic and threw a fit in the car. Kicking his seat, yelling, whatever.

So, now he wants to send her to his sister in Missouri or wherever the hell she lives.

He's thinking only of himself. I can understand some of his point of view. The stress of dealing with C may have contributed to his health problems (read: tumor).

On the other hand, I don't think he's given any thought to what sending C away would do to her, emotionally and mentally, what it would do to M, not having her big sister around any more, or any one else for that matter.

He said that it shows that we don't love her like we do M. I know it's true. I hate to admit it, but it is. I guess it's just easier to love the easier child.

All this went on during my lunch break. On the way back to work, I was just sobbing because I feel so sorry for C. It's not her fault she has behavior problems.

Before I left, I spoke with her and told her to be a good girl for Daddy, to do what he says, to not argue with him, to not fight with him, and if he says no, to say, "okay, Daddy."

He heard part of our little conversation and said he doesn't want peace.

Well then, what the holy FUCK does he want?

So we want another child. What if it turns out like her? Do we send it away too?

Nobody said parenting would be easy.

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