Monday, August 20, 2001 | 9:44 a.m. AST Alaska Time

I hope I'm not pregnant

I think I may be pregnant. I don't want to be pregnant, yet. Not for a while, like 6 months, at least.

Here's how it happened: When I do ovulate, it's around the 1st of the month, my period usually comes on the 17th. But I was on the pill. My pills ran out and I was too busy to get them refilled so hubby and I used other methods or just didn't have intercourse. I finally got around to getting them refilled, but was waiting for my period to start so I could start the pills and told hubby as much. The first of the month and the "egg white cervical mucous" had come and gone a long time ago, so I figured I was "safe." Around the 14th, we had sex, no birth control. Hubby said, "you're going to get pregnant, I just know it. We can't afford another baby right now." I said, "no I'm not because I ovulate on the first and get my period on the 17th." He was even thinking I planned on getting pregnant! On the 15th, I was cramping, so I figured my period was coming soon. On the 16th, I noticed more slippery egg white cervial mucous, uh oh. The 17th came and went with no period. On the 18th, I started what I thought was my period so I started the pill again. Today, it's still very light. Usually by now it's pretty heavy. So this could be implantation bleeding. So I took a home pregnancy test. I think it was positive. A blue line means pregnant. The blue line was extremely faint, I could barely see it. I guess I'll wait a couple days and take another.

If I am, my husband is going to be upset. We weren't planning on trying to have another child for at least another year.

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