Wednesday, Dec. 12, 2001 | 11:05 p.m. AST Alaska Time

They just don't get it...

So, I never finished my entry yesterday...

My brother-in-law's wife picked an online fight with me the other day about gift-giving. She heard it through the grapevine the reason we weren't giving gifts to our nieces and nephews was because her two older girls didn't say thank you for their birthday presents last year.

I told her it was actually last Christmas when noone said thanks, not just her kids, but other nieces and nephews as well.

It went something like this:

M@rlene says:
we heard that you or your husband or both had mentioned that our girls didn't say thank you for their birthday gift cards last year? I remember them saying thank you very clearly..esp when you guys left our house we had them say thank you again

Peggy says:
it wasn't the birthday gift cards, it was the christmas present

M@rlene says:
they got a movie and YES peggy, they do say thank you. our children are not ungrateful

Peggy says:
nobody said thanks, not C@role's kids, not my brother's kids, nobody

M@rlene says:
hum.. we remember different.. so, are we to never expect a gift from you all to our kids ever than ~ great holiday spirit~

Peggy says:
that's not the only reason this year. we really can't afford it anyway. maybe next year. but this year, we just don't need the stress, the fighting traffic and crowds...

M@rlene says:
Peggy my husband is not working and yet we still find something for the kids in the's not their fault that we are in a bad situation. even if we are not talking to the other members in the family in the past we still gave to the children since that is what it's about

Peggy says:
but you don't have to buy gifts for everyone. just because you buy gifts for everyone doesn't mean we have to.

M@rlene says:
peggy its the THOUGHT that counts.. i don't understand how you and your husband think when it comes to children.. your poor kids when they have to have xmas with only 3 gifts each at the most! It's not you are so we have to thing.. it's GIVING to others is what it's about... not give to us and we won't give back...same with all the dinners we have. my husband and i always bring something and it seems like no one else does but us or offers to

Peggy says:
THREE gifts is fine! they don't know any different. why is the NUMBER of gifts so important?

M@rlene says:
that is why we never have holiday dinners with you guys because no one ever is on time or brings anything and always expects us to talke care of it. because peggy, the number of gifts is very important when you are a kid

Peggy says:
not when you're TWO or 16 months!

M@rlene says:

Peggy says:
what the fuck? look again, I said TWO (C) and 16 months (M)

M@rlene says:
iknow peg. just drop it since we both disagree about it. we'll just talk in rounds

Peggy says:
I NEVER forget about C and for you or anyone to say such a thing hurts me

M@rlene says:

Peggy says:
we just celebrate Christmas differently than you do, that's all

M@rlene says:
we will just chat in circles. i don't see how. we believe in giving no matter what.. and we never forget anyone. that's it, nothing more nothing less. sorry if you see it different. i don't mean to hurt you peggy and i'm sorry if i have. i didn't mean too.

Peggy says:
okay, apology accepted

Is that the picture of greed or what?

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