Tuesday, July 24, 2001 | 11:25 p.m. AST Alaska Time

Insomnia, eating habits of the toddler kind

Hubby had insomnia last night again, so today I bought him some sleeping pills. I hope they work for him.

Parenting is still so new to us, we make mistakes. We're concerned about C's eating habits (or lack thereof) and her size. She's 2 1/2 and doesn't eat much at all. Yet, she's a bundle of energy, so she must be getting enough. But, she's so skinny and bony, it's frightening. We feed her, but it seems she doesn't want to eat what we serve her or doesn't like it. She'll eat a couple bites and say she's done. We know she's not, so we tell her she has to eat. We're not force-feeding her, but making sure she gets more than just a couple bites. And then she won't feed herself. She'll continue to eat if we spoon-feed her. If she won't eat and we let her down, she'll beg for bites off our plates. Everything about this tell me "wrong wrong wrong," but yet, I don't know how to fix it. And we're not about to become short-order cooks and fix her a separate meal. At the WIC office, there's a poster that says, "Parents choose when to eat, children choose how much." But is choosing just a couple bites really enough? We deny her fillers such as crackers, milk, juice, water, and snacks before dinner to ensure she'll eat dinner and still she just eats a few bites. It's becoming a daily battle and we don't know how to win the war. If anybody out there has any idea how to solve this, please email me.

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< Insomnia, cable guy, diary rings | I love my mother, but... >

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