Friday, Nov. 14, 2003 | 3:37 p.m. Alaska Time


I was so pissed at hubby last night. He gets off work at 5 and is usually home by 5:30. 5:45 comes and goes and he's not home. 6:00 comes and goes and he's still not home.

I called his mother to see if he was visiting her. He wasn't. She said to try �uke and M@rlene's.

I was starting to get worried because he was feeling dizzy in the morning and the roads were icy. Of course I was convinced he'd been in an accident. At 6:15, I called the police department to ask if there had been any accidents and the dispatcher told me there hadn't been any that would keep anybody from going home. She told me I could call the hospitals though to check.

First I went online to see if M@rlene was online to ask if he was there. She was online, so, risking not getting an answer, I asked her. Amazingly, she was cordial and said he wasn't. I explained why I was asking and she even asked me to let them know when he got home.

So then I called Providence hospital's ER to ask if he'd been admitted and they said he hadn't. So then I tried Alaska Regional Hospital. Just when the operator was looking to see if they had his name, he walks in the door.

I was steaming mad and he got the 3rd degree. Turns out he went to the gym after work to work out.

What, he couldn't CALL to say he'd be late? He knows I worry when he's not home when I expect him. Thoughtless idiot.

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Remember a few days ago, I wrote about spammers and their new tactic of mining websites for keywords and attaching an url to them? You must've thought I was crazy if you couldn't see them, right? I couldn't see them from my work computer either, but can from home. Must depend on what browser you're using.

# # #

We're going to some sort of shindig for the employees and their families of hubby's workplace. There'll be food and music and fun things for the kids.

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