Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2002 | 12:37 p.m. Alaska Time

Lost & Found

Yesterday, one of the errands the girls and I ran was going to work to find my contact lenses. When they weren't in my work area, I started panicking. I looked all over another desk I sit at and couldn't find them there either. So I sent an email to my coworkers to be on the lookout for them. I figured they either got thrown out with the previous night's garbage by accident or were in my truck hidden in the seat.

And that's where I found them later.


It's almost weird to be wearing contacts again, even though it's only been about a month since I last wore them. I got used to what I looked like with glasses again that I'm getting used to what I look like without them. Also, I've got clear peripheral vision again. It's like watching widescreen tv!

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