Thursday, Nov. 7, 2002 | 10:05 a.m. Alaska Time

Life changes when you have kids

I cleaned the kitchen yesterday. THAT took a few hours. I have so many excuses why I don't do it more often: too busy, the girls demand so much of my time, hubby will do it (yeah, right!), but mostly, we're too lazy. I think household chores would get done around here sooner if hubby and I worked the same hours. As it is though, he works mornings and I work evenings so when one of is home alone, it's with the girls, who demand so much attention that there's no time to do anything else. Then, on the weekend when we are together, all we want to do is relax. Sad sorry state of affairs around here right now.

M has weekly speech therapy sessions here at home. Yesterday's session went really well. She's catching on to mimicking sounds we make and I'm picking up pointers from the therapist on what to do when she's not here. Such as having M put her hand on my throat when I make consanant sounds that come from the throat like g and k so she can feel the vibrations there.

M also picked up two new words. She saw the mailman's truck coming down the street the other day, pointed at it and said, "mail" except it came out "mayo." Then she learned how to say juice, but it came out "doos."

M has been coming in our room around 5:30 in the morning. I know that if I send her back to bed, she'll just start crying thus waking up C, so I just let her crawl into bed with us. I know, I know, I'm spoiling her, but I'd rather have her asleep next to me then both of them up running around at 5:30 a.m. Yesterday morning, M fell right asleep but this morning, she didn't. She kept tossing and turning, keeping me awake. Finally, I just went to the floor to get away from her flopping around. Of course, she followed me there. Eventually she fell asleep too. That lasted all of a half hour or so because then hubby had to get up. Which woke up both girls. I just crawled back into bed and fell asleep again.

When I got up, C had somehow programmed the parental controls on the cable box. I couldn't figure out how to get it back to the way it was, so I had to call the cable company. Turns out, all I had to do was turn a key on the side of the box.

Gotta go, bathtime for the girls.

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< WTF happened? | Why can't my kids sleep just two more hours? >

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