Thursday, Jun. 19, 2003 | 11:01 p.m. Alaska Time


Our sitter had a scheduled dentist appointment at 4:30 or so, so all the kids had to be picked up by 4. Hubby couldn't do it, my mom would be at work, and step-dad would probably be busy. So, I called work at 11 this morning, fibbing that the sitter was sick today and that I wouldn't be in until 7. Easier than explaining the truth and maybe having to go to work for a couple hours.

I dropped the girls off anyway and had a couple hours to myself. So I got a badly needed haircut and tried to go to the post office. After going home after the haircut to get some info, I went to the P.O. and realized I had 20 minutes to pick up the girls. So I left the P.O. and picked them up. Stopped by the P.O. again on the way home. Luckily, the girls behaved themselves.

At 7:15 this morning, hubby told me he pulled a roast out of the FREEZER and suggested maybe I could do something with it in the crockpot.

I wasn't sure I could put a frozen roast in the crockpot and have it done by dinnertime. So I did some research online and found out I could.

So I put it in the crockpot, added some water, sprinkled some Mrs. Dash on it, and turned it on to high. Four hours later, I turned it to low. By dinnertime, it was done. Wasn't too bad.

I have more to say, but don't want to bore you to tears with the minutiae so I'll end this entry here.

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