Tuesday, June 25, 2002 | 8:32 a.m. Alaska Time

Do they rent rooms at the hospital?

On Sunday, I noticed C scratching her head again like she did when she had lice. So I looked closely at the spot where she was scratching. You guessed it, lice again! Another RID treatment. When combing her hair out to get the bugs and nits, I saw just two bugs. Hopefully this is it. I didn't tell any family this time, after the brouhaha that erupted last time. M@rlene and I still aren't speaking.

My SIL, C@role, and I are on speaking terms again, however. She called yesterday, asking to borrow a playpen/baby bed. She's babysitting her and my husband's sister's baby (the alcoholic) at night while the father works. See, the baby's mother, M*rgana, is in jail in Wisconsin.

Let me back up just a bit. M*rgana had plans to take the baby to Louisiana to show him off to the baby's father's family. Then her plans changed to go to Wisconsin instead, where her family's from and where they still have relatives. Apparently she stopped taking the Anabuse (anti-alcohol drug) she was on because she got drunk and got herself arrested for assaulting an officer. Her cousin and his wife took the baby in until her boyfriend could fly down and get him. He flew down a couple days ago and is working nights until he can find a daytime sitter so he asked C@role to watch him at night, hence her asking us to borrow a playpen/bed.

My husband's family is so dysfunctional.

Over the weekend, C was saying she has animals in her ears. She may have just been remembering the time when I took her to the ER because she was complaining of ear pain and the docs had to flush out earwax before they could see her eardrums. They told her they were getting the animals out of her ears. So yesterday, because she said she had animals in her ears, hubby said I should take her to the hospital. She wasn't complaining that they hurt, so I figured they were fine. But, M needed to see a doc about a bacterial rash she keeps getting and I was concerned about her fingernail bed on her right ring finger after it was closed in a door (it didn't look right) so I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone and have them both looked at at the same time. C's ears were fine, just as I expected but M's ears are infected, along with the rash. Her nailbed is fine. So the doc prescribed Ceftin for M, which should clear up both the rash and ear infection.

While we were there, the girls were being seen by an older female doctor. Probably in her late-40's/early 50's. She has a bit of facial hair on her upper lip, but not too noticable. Well, not to me anyway. But C sure noticed it. She said to the doctor, "You have whiskers!" I just about died inside.

I was surprised M has an ear infection because she didn't complain about her ears at all. She has a high tolerance for pain. She rarely cries when she gets hurt. She'll bump her head, hard, on the bathroom counter and barely whimper. It it were C, she'd be screaming bloody murder.

Last night, when I got home for dinner, C said her throat was hurting. Hubby said he saw a bottle of Amoxicillin at the sitter's and figured one of the kids must have strep. So I looked at C's throat. Her tonsils were red. So I took her to the doctor again. He looked at her throat, agreed it was red, but said there was no pus. He took a throat culture and told me to call for the results in a couple days. He also looked at her ears and tested them with some sort of device and concluded there might be something wrong there too. So he prescribed amoxicillin. A ten-day course of treatment but to reduce it to five if the throat culture comes back negative.


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