Monday, Oct. 8, 2001 | 9:25 p.m. Alaska Time

Mom, Sister, Niece, Hubby, C, M, Us

My mother is having rotator-cuff surgery tomorrow. My sister is coming in from out of town to help her out around the house for a few days. My sister is not bringing her two-year old daughter, partly because the child is driving her nuts but mostly because she's still trying to wean her from breastfeeding. She's doing good, down to two feedings a day.

Hubby stayed home sick from work again today. He finally went to a clinic and they took two strep cultures which both came back negative. So they're not sure what's wrong. They say it's some virus, but by the time they figure out what it is, he'll be well again.

Our sitter said C was quite a handful today. More than usual, apparently. She can be a little monster quite often.

It seems M is getting over her cold. Little angel. She didn't want me to leave when I dropped them off at the sitters this afternoon. She can be such a mama's girl.

Hubby and I are still renting places to live. We hope to someday buy a home but with mortgage payments upwards of $1000 around here, it's been prohibitive. And we're sort of in a Catch-22 situation about it too. See, I'm half-Eskimo and there are loan programs for Alaska natives, provided they meet certain income levels. We're just above the maximum, which means we're not eligible. But we can't exactly afford $1000/month on our own.

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