Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2002 | 2:24 p.m. Alaska Time

I know how to drive, do you?

Why am I the only one in Anchorage who knows how to drive? :o)

Seriously, though, you'd think drivers here have never heard of "the right of way" and who has it when, especially at an all-stop intersection without stoplights.

I was going through the drivethru at McDonald's last night in our truck and nearly slid into the building because they didn't do a very good job of clearing the ice. It's not that I was going too fast, but the ice caused ruts which made the truck go in directions I didn't want it to go in.

The girls are sick with colds; the same crud I had earlier this month for two weeks. I had to stay home with them last Friday and yesterday. Hubby took a half-day to stay home with them in the afternoon so I could come to work. I may have to stay home tomorrow. Our sitter's baby also caught the crud, so we may be staying home more than we planned.

C's 3rd birthday is a week from tomorrow. We're having the birthday party Sunday afternoon. I'm contemplating whether I should warn the neighbors downstairs or just let them suffer through all the racket.

Speaking of the neighbors, they were smoking dope again last night. This time, hubby spoke to the landlords. Don't know if anything will come of it... I hope so. Hubby and I agreed that if nothing happens in a week, we'll call the cops. If the cops do nothing in a week after that, we're giving notice to move out.

In other news, I finally got my computer up and running... sorta. Remembered how to move files using DOS, had to reformat the C drive and reinstall windows 98. Now, I just need to get my modem working again and everything should be set. YEEHAW!!!

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