Saturday, Oct. 06, 2001 | 2:05 p.m. Alaska Time


God DAMMIT! I've got another urinary tract infection! I thought I felt the first tinges of it yesterday but it really hit me overnight about 3 a.m. so I dragged myself to the ER about 3:30 and didn't see the doc until about 4:30. In the meantime, I was pacing the ER trying to make the discomfort subside. I finally saw the doc and got some meds and went home. The discomfort didn't subside until about 6 a.m. Argh! I hate this! If there is a hell, mine would be an incurable UTI.

M is usually afraid to sit down in the bath but today climbed right in, diaper and all, and sat right down.

I can't wait until C is done potty training. She usually does a pretty good job of telling us when she has to go, when she's awake. During naptime this afternoon, she pooped in her training pants. Not such a big deal, I just took off the training pants and dropped the poop into the toilet and cleaned her up. But, what I didn't know until I picked up her leggings she had been wearing that I took off of her before her training pants was that some turds had fallen out of the training pants into the leggings. I picked up the leggings and lots of little turds came tumbling out. Eeuw, gross! At least they were firm enough to pick up with some tissue and drop into the toilet!

I'm sure you're just thrilled to death to be reading out my UTI and C's potty training mishaps, aren't you? :o)

We're getting a late start today. We had plans to do some shopping and garage-organizing but haven't even started yet. Now everyone is napping. I tried to nap, but did some laundry instead.

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