March 21, 2001 | 7:52 am AST Alaska Time

M&D, M's cold

If my parents had stayed married, today would be their 34th anniversary. But they divorced in 1980. Mom got tired of Dad cheating on her.

I'm so tired. I just want to go home and go back to bed. My baby's cold is not getting any better so I just may go home for lunch and stay home with her.

I had a lot to say this morning, now I can't remember any of it!

Oh yeah, I remember now... It seems the in-laws feel like I don't love C as much as I do M. See, we adopted C from hubby's sister. We took physical custody of her when she was four months old. The adoption was final when she was nine months. Six days after the adoption was final, I found out I was pregnant. So, even though M is biologically my daughter, C is also my daughter and I love her and M equally and the same. I guess they feel the way they do because I discipline C a lot. C is high-strung. Always moving, always making noises, very hyper. Plus, she's going through that 2-year old toddler stage where her favorite word is "no" and not doing what we tell her. So, of course I'm going to discipline her. I'm not going to let her be boss. I'm not a wimp parent. The in-laws see me disciplining her and mistake it for non-love. Of course I love her, otherwise I wouldn't have adopted her! She needed a father and a better mother. If I didn't care, we wouldn't have her!

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