Monday, March 19, 2001 | 7:52 am AST Alaska Time

GSC, Diet, DC, Baby

Girl Scout Cookies are SO addictive!!! Especially those damn thin mints!!! And you can't eat just one, or two, or three, or ten... :)

Plus, they're expensive... $3.50 per box... and they only come around once a year so you want to stock up... Before you know it, you're $100 in the hole. And if every friend's and family's girl scout child's not hitting you up for orders, you're seeking them out. ARGH!!!

So much for my diet.

I'm trying to lose weight for the first time. I can't blame it on the baby because right after she was born, I weighed less then BEFORE I got pregnant. Now I weigh more.

It doesn't help that a guy I work with brings in food from a local gas station's food stand that's a day old. Stuff like corn-dogs, pizza, burritos, etc. I have no willpower and I'm hungry at 4 a.m. I know, I know, I should bring my own healthy, low-calorie stuff.

It's not that I'm obese or even fat. I just weigh a bit more than I'd like and I'm a little flabby. Plus I should get in shape anyway. I'd like to lose about 25-35 pounds, a couple sizes in my jeans, and gain some muscle tone.

We were finally approved for Daycare Assistance, but we still have to pay 15% of the total amount. I'm not sure how much it will add up to each month, we still have to work it out with our provider.

My poor baby has a cold. Runny nose, fever, cough... Probably picked it up from daycare. And she hates taking cold medicine or any medicine for that matter. My other daughter, on the other hand, sucks the stuff down like there's no tomorrow AND asks for more!

One good thing... Baby started sleeping through the night about four nights ago! :) Not that I'm getting any more sleep than usual, since I have to be at work at 4am. But it's a developmental step up!

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