Feb. 27, 2001 | 8:16 p.m. AST Alaska Time

Flakier than a head of dandruff

My sister-in-law is flakier than a croissant. She has been our babysitter for the past month. Yesterday, she tells my husband that she'll be applying for a job at the local PD so won't be able to sit for us anymore, but will probably be able to watch them thru March. "Okay," I thought, "We can find new daycare before the end of March." Then this morning, she wasn't even home when my husband went to drop them off at about 10:30! She left a note saying she'd be back at 11 or soon thereafter. He was pissed! I had to leave work to care for my kids so my husband could go to school. She called shortly after 11 wondering if I was going to bring the girls over. I told her, "No, I had to leave work to come home to take care of them" which just made her pissed and she was even more pissed after hearing a message my husband left on her phone, calling her incompetent. So later, she sends her son over with a bag full of the girls' things: extra clothes, all the diapers, wipes, bottles... She quit, just like that. Like I said, flakier than a croissant.

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