Feb. 25, 2001 | 2:36 p.m. Alaska Time Alaska Time

Life today

Hmmm... Where do I start. I sorta stumbled upon Diaryland.com by searching a name thru google.com. The name I was searching turns out to be in someone's "diary" so I explored further.

"What a silly idea" I thought about an online diary. First of all, I rarely wrote in diaries and second of all, why would I want my diary public?

Then I read a couple people's entries and I was intrigued. Thought, "what the hell.." and took the plunge. I really don't expect anybody to read this anyway.

Currently, I'm sitting here enjoying the silence. Both children are napping, husband's away, dishwasher washer and dryer aren't going, and there's no music. Just me and the keyboard. A rare treat, indeed.

But, I really have to wash the dishes, clean the kitchen, do some laundry, and bake some cookies. I need a maid.

That's it for today... Until next time, toodles!

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