Thursday, Feb. 19, 2004 | 5:10 a.m. Alaska Time

Stop, thief!

My wallet was stolen yesterday. I was shopping at Costco with the girls sometime between 4 and 5 and know I had my wallet when we went in but when I went to the checkout area, I couldn't find my wallet in the cart.

I asked the girls if they had played with it or accidentally thrown it out and they said no.

So on the way home, I started making phone calls to cancel my credit cards. I called the credit union to alert them. I also called the three major credit bureaus to alert them. I contacted the Social Security Administration. I called the police to file a report.

I know it was stolen because a local merchant called me to let me know they put an alert on my account after a woman and her boyfriend tried to pass one of my checks for more than $1000 for a computer and some clothes. The clerk asked for her ID and she said it had been stolen, so the clerk wouldn't let her buy the merchandise.

I spoke later with a security agent at the store about the surveillance video and he told me the woman also tried two of my credit cards and a different check which she tore up.

I'm just so stressed out right now. I slept like shit and when I did sleep, I dreamt that I had a feeling of being exposed. The theft is all I can think about!

It's still not over. I've got a few more phone calls to make.

Can you tell I'm just so pissed off right now?

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