April 21, 2001 | 5:17 p.m. AST Alaska Time

Thoughts on marriage

Y'know, I've been married 3 1/2 years now and I'm sure it will last forever. I was gonna say I hope it lasts forever, but I'm being optimistic today.

I was just thinking of some couples who have been married in their first marriage since time began and you assume they'll be married until the end of time and the news shocks you when you hear they're getting a divorce. I mean, these are couples who've been married 25, 30 years or so. Their children are grown and have left home. What happens? Boredom?

Okay, so the statistics show that 50% of first marriages end in divorce. Does that mean the other 50% actually last until "death do us part?"

When my mother was a teenager, she was so in love with the boy whom she would eventually marry and have children with. She became pregnant at 16 and they decided to get married. She had a miscarriage before the marriage however, but they decided to get married anyway a couple years later. Thirteen years later, they divorced. I'm sure when they got married she thought they'd be together forever. Does everybody think that when they get married or do some think, "We'll see how long this lasts?" I mean, what with divorce so common, some have to assume they'll divorce some time down the road. Now I'm sounding pessimistic.

There are at least two couples I know of whom I assumed would be married forever and was shocked to hear of their divorces. In one case, the husband met another woman and ran off with her. Six months later, he came back to his ex-wife and they got remarried to each other. Guess he missed the good thing he had. In the other case, the husband moved to Montana. I don't remember if it was because of another woman or if he just got bored.

I think part of the problem is those who marry really young are at a higher risk than those who marry later. It seems marriage (and kids) tie you down and hold you back from getting out into the world, meeting all kinds of people, having experiences, and doing other stuff you normally wouldn't do with a spouse and kids. There should be a law that you can't get married until you've been seeing the same person for at lest two years and can't get married until at least age 30. That might have saved my parents, and their kids, whether they stayed together or met and married other people. They didn't have time to experience the world and make sure they were the right ones for each other forever. So my father decided he hadn't "experinced" enough women and cheat on my mother. Mom decided to give him a taste of his own medicine and so cheat on him. Immature decisions in an immature marriage. The exact same thing happened to my cousin. Married too young, he cheat on her, she cheat on him, they divorced. Sigh.

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