Sunday, March 25, 2001 | 07:49 a.m. AST Alaska Time

What a night!

Poor C was sick this morning around 5:45. I heard her crying in her room, but we usually let her cry and she eventually goes back to sleep, so I didn't think anything of it. That is, until she got up and came into our room. Hubby got up to put her back, we thought she just had a nightmare. She kept pointing at her bed and blankets so he touched them and they were wet, he touched her pj's, wet. That's when he discovered she had vomited. So he cleaned her and her bed up, gave her some pedialyte, and put her back to bed.

Of course then she was wide awake and kept calling for us. We kept telling her to go back to sleep. Naturally I couldn't go back to sleep and had a pounding headache anyway. I took some aspirin and went back to bed.

15 minutes later, C vomits again. My turn. This time, I wash her hair because vomit had gotten into it. Which makes her even more awake and alert than before. I put her to bed after cleaning up the mess and go back to bed.

Then I hear her up. I check to see what's going on, she's reading a book in the hallway. (Well, I should say she's just looking at the book since she's only two and can't really read yet.) I put her in bed, again, and go back to bed, again.

Five minutes later she's up again! I put her back in bed, only this time threaten her with a spanking if she gets out of bed again. I wait in the hallway for 15 minutes to see if she gets up again, she doesn't.

By now there's no chance of me falling back asleep, so here I am. I checked email, ebay, other people's diaries, changed my diary html again, and got my question answered about "emo." Very productive, eh?

So now I'm finally getting tired again... haha... one hour before everybody's going to wake up anyway!

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