March 3, 2001 | 5:56 p.m. AST Alaska Time

Daycare meetings

Well, I met with Beulah today about daycare. I really like her and her setup. She's been doing daycare for 14 years and really knows what she's doing. I'm all for going with her, but hubby is not. He doesn't like the fact that her 31-year old son still lives at home. Hubby's afraid of child molestation. Even though background checks have been done on all family members in the home.

We also me with Raquel, who's from Puerto Rico. Speaks with a heavy accent and didn't understand some of what I was saying. We got a bad impression when we visited her. Music videos were playing loudly in the living room and there was booze within easy reach. A big fat no-no. If I had to choose between the two, I'd pick Beulah, hands down.

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